Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kim Tyrseck Recovery Fund and Benefit

On February 24th, while walking across the street near CCSU, Kim Tyrseck of Portland was hit by a car driven by a drunk driver. She was critically injured and has a long road of physical rehabilitation ahead of her to help enable her to simply function again. Kim worked as a bartender and waitress at Portland Restaurant, but it may be a very long time before she is able to return to work.

Kim's friends at Hair of the Dog Saloon here in Middletown have organized a benefit fundraiser to assist with her medical bills. The event will be at Hair of the Dog on Main Street on Saturday April 30 from noon till 6 p.m. There will be a pig roast, raffles, and a free food buffet thanks to the generosity of local restaurants. The suggested donation is $10 per person for the event.

Anyone wishing to contribute more may send donations to any Liberty Bank branch addressed to the Kim Tyrseck Recovery Fund. The fund is being handled by The Cromwell Cobblestone Plaza branch of Liberty Bank and their mailing address where donations can be sent is:

72 Berlin Road, Cromwell, CT 06416 and the phone number is (860) 613-3750.

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