Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Civil War Commemoration At Wesleyan

On Wednesday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m., Dr. Matthew Warshauer, Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University and co-chair of the Connecticut Civil War Commemoration Commission, will discuss his new book, Connecticut in the American Civil War: Slavery, Sacrifice and Survival (Wesleyan University Press), as well as the plans that are underway for the state's 150th anniversary of the war.  Although most may not immediately think of Connecticut when considering the Civil War, the state was extensively involved  in the conflict.   Connecticut sent more than 30 regiments to the front, had an extensive industrial capacity, and an active home front.  Connecticut is also home to more than 130 Civil War monuments.  The lecture will take place in the Develin Room, 2nd floor, Olin Memorial Library, 252 Church Street, Middletown.

From 6:30-7:00 and again after the lecture, Suzy Taraba, Head of Special Collections & Archives and University Archivist,  will host an open house viewing of the Samuel Proal Hatfield Civil War Photograph Album and other selected items related to the Civil War in the Davison Rare Book Room, Special Collections & Archives (1st floor Olin).

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