Friday, March 11, 2011

Sunday at First Church--Daylight Saving Time begins

Temptations in the Wilderness

Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, so set your clock AHEAD one hour. You may be tempted to sleep in this Sunday morning, but . . .

First Church of Christ,

190 Court Street
Middletown, CT

. . . yield not to temptation. Instead, come listen as John Hall unpacks the Biblical symbol of the “wilderness” as a metaphor for times of struggle. What do we need when we find ourselves anxious and lost? How do we deal with personal upheavals in our lives? What can we learn about coping with hard times from our Biblical tradition and heritage?

Time for Children will explore: What is Lent?
And ... not to be missed, First Church Actors Guild will present another entertaining skit about the upcoming, award-winning Goods & Services Auction.

In Second Hour, Wesleyan Economics Professor Richard Adelstein discuss Debt and the U.S. Economy and will help us understand such matters as the federal budget deficit, the accumulated debt of the U.S. government, and why these things matter.

Grinders for Grace — Fundraising for Amazing Grace Food Pantry Lyn Shaw will be receiving orders and payment for grinders (5 different kinds, $8 each) on Sunday, March 20. First Church folks can pick them up or join others in eating them at First Church on April 7.
First Church provides child care on Sundays, and parking is available on Court Street and in the surrounding neighborhood.

First Church is an Open and Affirming Church: All are welcome into the full life of our community regardless of their race, age, gender, nationality, marital status, economic situation, mental or physical ability, or sexual orientation. No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome. Come visit and see. We won't bore you. We won't talk down to you. We will love you and respect your intelligence. We will give you tools to help you deepen and pursue your spiritual path.

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