Saturday, January 8, 2011

Serra Keeps Aging Committee Chair

From the House Democrats

State Representative Joseph Serra, who serves Middletown in the Connecticut General Assembly, has been appointed once again House Chairman of the Committee on Aging. Serra, a Democrat, was also named to the Judiciary and Transportation committees by Speaker of the House Christopher G. Donovan (D-Meriden).   

“The scope of these committees will allow me to best represent the needs of my district as well as help shape the future of our state,” said Serra. “There is great opportunity in these challenging times as we begin a partnership with our new Governor.”

The Aging Committee has cognizance of all matters relating to senior citizens. The main focus of the Judiciary Committee is the courts and criminal law. The Transportation Committee’s jurisdiction includes highways, bridges, mass transit, aeronautics and the Department of Motor Vehicles.

“Rep. Serra’s input on our leadership team will be invaluable as we continue to work to create jobs, improve health care services and increase educational opportunities,” Speaker Donovan said. “Joe is also a tireless advocate for his district and is always looking for ways to improve the quality of life for the residents of Middletown.”

The 2011 session of the Connecticut General Assembly convened January 5 and is scheduled to adjourn June 8.   

1 comment:

  1. Yes sir Serra does keep "Aging". So what do we get? Nada. But all his buddies get what they want from him.


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