Monday, January 24, 2011

Middletown High Goes To The Symphony Soloist Competition Tonight at MHS

Tonight is the Middletown High Goes To The Symphony Soloist Competition Performance. The competition/performance will take place at the Middletown High Performing Arts Center Theater @ 7:00PM. Everyone is invited to attend this very special performance. Below is the concert competition/performance order and selections. We hope to see you tonight!

Middletown High Goes To The Symphony
 Soloist Competition
January 24th, 2011
Middletown High Performing Arts Center Theater

Qui Sedes                                                                      Antonio Vivaldi
Judy Reid, Alto
Piano Accompanist, Aaron Sinicrope

Alone, and Yet Alive!                                                    Arthur Sullivan
Amy Schildwaster, Alto
   Piano Accompanist, Ali Sinicrope

Lied Ohne Worte (Song Without Words)                     F. Mendelssohn
David Westby, Cello
Piano Accompanist, Aaron Sinicrope

Warsaw Concerto                                                        Richard Addinsel
Andrew Satterberg, Piano
Piano Accompanist, Gina Fredericks

If Ever I Would Leave You    Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein
Michael Cho, Baritone
Piano Accompanist, Aaron Sinicrope

Violin Concerto No.3, First Movement                        Antonia Vivaldi
Katelin Greatsinger, Violin
    Piano Accompanist, Ali Sinicrope

Domine Deus                                                                 Antonio Vivaldi
Elizabeth Anderson-Krengel, Soprano
 Piano Accompanist, Aaron Sinicrope

Quando Men Vo                                                             Giacomo Puccini
                            Kaitlyn Passons, Soprano
Piano Accompanist, Gina Fredericks

Mandoline                                                                      Gabriel Faure
Zachary Fletcher
    Piano Accompanist, Ali Sinicrope

Original Piece                                                               Nathan Fletcher
                                     Recorded Accompaniment

Voi Che Sapete                                                             W. A. Mozart
April LaRosa, Soprano
Piano Accompanist, Ali Sinicrope


  1. What a talented group of soloists at this evening's auditions! It was a pleasure to be in the audience and witness the high level of talent displayed by these MHS students. Congratulations and good luck to all for your outstanding performances!

  2. Congratulations to all of the performers. What went on last night at the high school is something all of the citizen's of Middletown should be proud of! These talented young adults rose to the occasion, and performed like true professionals.

    We all need to take the time and thank the entire music department at Middletown High School. From my perspective, these young adults could not have been better prepared. The credit goes to the Music department and the soloists. It is an incredicble opportunity for the High School and these performers. The winners here are Middletown High, Hartford Symphony, and the Middletown Community.

    Special congratulations go out to Andrew Satterberg, Kaitlyn Passons, Nathan and Zachary Fletcher, and April LaRosa. You have made Middletown proud of your accomplishments. Hartford Symphony and the City of Middletown await your performances! Save a date in May Middletown, you will not be disappointed!


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