Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Open House Dates At Amazing Grace

Amazingly, the food pantry has actually completed its move to 16 Stack Street and opened its doors!  Maybe you've already stopped by. If not, there are two upcoming "official" dates to check out the new space.  

The first is Saturday, Nov. 27.  The Open House begins at 9:30am, with an Ecumenical Celebration and Liturgy of Thanksgiving at 10:30am.  Bishop Michael Cote and community faith leaders will lead this Celebration and Thanksgiving.  Following that, those who wish will make their way to the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen at 617 Main Street to share lunch together.  This Open House particularly celebrates St. Vincent de Paul Middletown's 30th anniversary year and the critical role that the faith communities have played over those 30 years in St. Vincent's many services - Amazing Grace Food Pantry, the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen, Operation Fuel, community assistance, supportive housing, outreach to the homeless and much more. 

The second is the Amazing Grace Food Pantry Grand Opening on Thursday, Dec. 9.  The Open House is 4 - 6pm with Ribbon Cutting and brief program at 5pm.  Mayor Sebastian Giuliano and Larry McHugh, President of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce, are scheduled to join us.  This Open House particularly recognizes the incredible support which the pantry has received from all sectors of the community - businesses, families, schools, political leaders, clubs and organizations, as well as faith communities -  and acknowledges the dedication of scores of volunteers and food donors.  Only together can we serve those in need in our community. 

Come to one Open House.  Or come to both.  Or feel free to stop by another time.  16 Stack Street in Middletown's North End is now the location of all Amazing Grace services and of both of these events. 

We very much look forward to seeing you at the NEW Amazing Grace.

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