Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stabbing at Main and Rapallo

From the Middletown Police Department

On Monday, 10/11/10 at approximately 11:31 pm an officer was flagged down at the intersection of Main St. and Rapallo Ave, by an unknown male who told the officer that there was a fight going on north of the intersection.  The officer located two males standing on the sidewalk in the area of 712 Main St, one was the victim and one was the accused, Perez.
Perez tried to leave the area as the officer arrived, but was detained and later secured by back up officers. 

The victim was bleeding from the shoulder area from two stab wounds. The officers provided first aid until EMS arrived on scene.  The victim was transported to Hartford Hospital for non-life threatening injuries.

Perez told officers that he and the victim got into a physical altercation and stated he stabbed the victim in self defense.  Perez threw the knife used to stab the victim as the officer arrived.  The knife was later located near the scene.

Perez stated the fight was over $30.00.  Witnesses heard the victim yelling at Perez to get away from him and yelling for the police.

Nothing further at this time.

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