Friday, October 15, 2010

IDS 2nd Graders Visit the Connecticut River Museum & Open House Invite

The IDS 2nd Grade recently visited the Connecticut River Museum in Essex, Connecticut to learn about the Connecticut River Valley. The second-graders discovered how the river and the surrounding valley developed, how communities were established along its banks, and how the human relationship with the Connecticut River has evolved over time. During the visit, the children "built" community representations on a 6 x 20 foot map of the Connecticut River. The students will use this experience in the classroom to launch an exciting new learning unit where they will relate the development of the Connecticut River Valley to the development of the communities of Middletown, Middlefield and Durham.

The Independent Day School

invites parents and their children to an

Open House

Sunday, October 17th

11:00 am-1:00 pm

115 Laurel Brook Road, Middlefield, CT 06455 ~ (860) 347-7235

Located close-by to Lyman Orchards; look for the blue and white signs!

For further information contact:

Christopher Wilkes
Director of Admission
The Independent Day School
115 Laurel Brook Road
Middlefield, CT 06455
(860) 347-7235

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