Sunday, August 29, 2010

Macdonough Back to School Bash Draws Crowd

It was part welcome back to school, and part carnival, as students, teachers, parents and staff gathered Saturday to celebrate the start of another school year.  Okay, "celebrate" may be a bit of an exaggeration when describing students' reaction to the end of summer vacation, but spirits were high as students completed a number of games of skill to receive a Macdonough tee shirt.

While hoop toss, golf and bowling were popular, the longest line was consistently observed at the dunk booth where Principal Jon Romeo, and several of his staff, took turns as students aimed for the target to dampen their favorite teachers. 

The first day of school for students is Wednesday.


  1. What a great event this was. It was great to see returning families and new families getting to know each other and having a nice time.

  2. So great to see my beautiful niece's daughter Ani in this event.


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