Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hundreds Brave Cloudbursts To Sample Locavore Delights

Despite the intermittent downpours, hundreds of enthusiastic supporters of local agriculture, food and arts crowded the lawn of Wadsworth Mansion Sunday morning for the annual Open Air Market and Festival.

Rain has frequently been part of the festival ritual, so knowledgeable attendees clutched umbrellas, or wore parkas as they sampled bread, cheese, jams and dozens of varieties of local vegetables. 

While the musical entertainment was consigned to a safe, indoor spot, the vendors braved the elements to offer their goods to attendees.

The festival runs until 4PM at Middletown's Wadsworth Mansion.


  1. We were there and it was a lovely event, despite the rain. Can't wait until next year!

  2. Thank you to all our devoted fans who braved the elements yesterday to attend the Wadsworth Mansion Open Air Market. We, and I speak for the vendors as well, really appreciate your support of the event. Everyone who works on the event does so because they love the event, enjoy bringing pleasure [and good food] to the visitors, and recognize that the Wadsworth Mansion is truly a special place. See you next year. Rain or shine!


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