Sunday, July 25, 2010

From 1925: Take the Steamer to New York

The following advertisement is from 85 years ago today, published in the Hartford Courant on July 25, 1925.

What a delightful and cooling trip this would make on a sultry summer evening: leave Middletown in the evening, sleep in a comfortable stateroom, have breakfast in New York, do a little shopping, take in a show, spend the night and return the following afternoon!

If you had caught the steamer on Saturday, July 25, 1925, the next day you could have gone to Ebbetts Field and seen the Brooklyn Robins beat the New York Giants, with Dazzy Vance throwing a complete game 4-hit shutout.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the trip at the bottom, cruise down the river, and then take the trolley back.
    All for .50 cents!


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