Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dems Recommend More of Lesser

From Matt Lesser

A crowd of 50 residents of Durham, Middlefield, Middletown and Rockfall met Monday in Middlefield and unanimously nominated State Representative Matt Lesser for a second term.

Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz, who previously represented Lesser's district, nominated Lesser. The nomination was seconded by Durham Selectman Jim McLaughlin and others.

"Matt brings energy, intelligence and a strong work ethic to state government," Bysiewicz said, "and I'm proud to have him as my State Representative."

Lesser will be the Democratic candidate in the fall election.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dan Malloy (D-Stamford) also spoke in favor of the nomination, praising Lesser's work to save dairy farms and lower electricity rates. Connecticut residents currently pay the highest electric rates in the continental United States.

Malloy said as Governor that he would support Lesser's efforts to reform electricity markets. On Tuesday Governor Rell vetoed an Energy Bill that Lesser argued would lower home electric rates by 15%.

Malloy also recognized Lesser as a “children's champion” who has fought for early childhood education and area schools.

Bysiewicz praised Lesser's energy and his commitment to the families of the 100th district. She called him a friend and said “Matt made the reduction of electric rates and the promotion of renewable energy strong priorities. Those are things that the 100th district needs very much."

McLaughlin specifically thanked Lesser for championing legislation that benefits Durham, including funding for the Durham library, resurfacing Route 68 and a recent law Lesser passed which saved the Durham Fair.

Middlefield reident Nicole Brewer sang the national anthem, a capela, and Middlefield selectman Mary Beth Johnson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Matthew L ScarrozzoMay 28, 2010 at 7:37 AM

    Matt Lesser has shown very little to impove Durham,Middlefield,Middletown and Rockfall. His work ethic`s for State Representive for a second term has failed and is disappointing. Representive Lesser needed to save the Durham Fair because his lack of attention, almost ended the Fair. Also what happened to the increase in educational funding for his districts?? The 100th district needs more commitment,I will be supporting John Szewczyk in November.

  2. What happened regarding the Durham Fair?

  3. The Department of Health had pushed through a law that would have shut down every Ag Fair in the state. Lesser championed legislation that repealed it, reaching out to Republican legislators who had fairs in their districts to get it passed.

    And Matt Scarrozzo (Republican Party Chair and all around hack) wants increased funding for education in the middle of a recession? Who the hell is he kidding? Who does he want to tax to be able to pay for it? Our taxes are high enough in Middletown.

    Lesser protected funding for education when everything else is being cut, he and has voted AGAINST raising taxes on middle class families.

    I guess if you want higher taxes, vote Szewczyk.

  4. It's amazing that Matthew L Scarrozzo, Republican Town Chair, is going negative 6 months before the election. People are sick of this kind of politics.

    Does Szewczyk stand behind his supporters' negative smears?

    BTW, I hear Phran Szewczyk is actually backing Matt Lesser.


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