Friday, May 21, 2010

City's Corporation Counsel Says Common Council Meeting May Be Illegal

After first assuring the Democratic caucus of the Common Council that tonight's meeting, at which most or all Republican members will be absent, would be legal as long as a chairperson is elected according to Robert's Rules of Order, the Corporation Counsel for the city, Bill Howard, said that the meeting may be illegal.

Republicans appealed to Howard for a ruling, who found that a meeting invitation was not issued formally to Mayor Sebastian Giuliano, who is the sitting chair for all Common Council meetings.  This may make "the call" for the meeting illegal.  In addition, Howard indicated that a meeting scheduled at a time when no minority members are able to attend may deny those members the right of "substantive due process."

Minority leader Phil Pessina pleaded with his Democratic colleagues to schedule the meeting at a time when all members are available.

Majority leader Thomas Serra said the meeting will go on as planned.


  1. Would you expect anything else from the Democratic Council in Middletown? They continue to bully their way through all matters concerning our City, including the Board of Education issues. We deserve better than this from our elected officials.

  2. Serra and his puppets need to go. If we don't vote them out next time around...shame on us! What you are seeing here is the real Tom Serra!


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