Monday, April 12, 2010

Hannah Vahl Considering Law School

Middletown Press reporter Hannah Vahl, who has done an excellent job covering town events for the past several months is considering a career change and will likely attend law school beginning in the fall.

Vahl, a Barnard grad, has been accepted to both Temple University Law School (with a full scholarship) and the University of Texas Law School in Austin.

Vahl's reporting of town events has helped a news renaissance at the Middletown daily, and her curiousity and diligence will be missed.


  1. Matthew L ScarrozzoApril 14, 2010 at 7:29 AM

    Good luck to you Hannah, the Press and Middletown will miss you.

  2. Hannah will be missed. She is diligent and fair, which is exactly what you want in any reporter.

    I wish her all the luck.


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