Friday, March 26, 2010

Good Night Blue Moon in Middletown Friday

Goodnight Blue Moon is an orchestral-acoustic-folk band from New Haven, Connecticut. The band cites influences ranging from Bob Dylan and Simon & Garfunkel to Matt Pond PA and The Avett Brothers. But, thanks to their diverse musical backgrounds, the members of this 7-piece come together to deliver a sound that is uniquely their own.

GNBM is Erik Elligers, guitar and vocals; Matt Crowley, mandolin, vocals; Nancy Matlack, cello and banjo; Amy Matlack, viola and vocals, Matt Goff, drums and percussion; Adam Kubota, bass.

Green Street Arts Center, 51 Green St., 7 PM

Admission is $8; $5 for Green Street Members. For more information, visit or call 860-685-7871

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