Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bus Seat Belt Bill Out of Committee

The Hartford Courant reported today that the state transportation committee voted 29-7 in favor of a bill requiring seats belts in buses purchased in 2012 or later. Rep. Antonio Guerrera, D-Rocky Hill, the committee co-chairman, told the Courant that he is "optimistic" and that "the bill has momentum and a good chance of passing the House and the Senate."

See the full article here.


  1. While I think the idea of seat belts on buses is good in theory, is there any research that says that they are actually used?

    There were belts on buses when I was in Elementary and Middle School, and we thought they were a big joke (and I never get in a car without putting on my seat belt). Not only do you have the big padded seat in front of you to protect you, but no one every checks to see that students use them.

    Unless you are going to assign some adult to be the "Seat belt Police", I think it is too much to ask of a bus driver. They have enough to worry about. Once people stop pushing for the use of the belts, no one will be using them.

  2. I'm with Brian about actual day to day usage. I wear mine, as an accident in my teens made me a believer. I feel naked without it.

    I do think buses used on Interstates might benefit from belts.

  3. Ive been in busses with seat belts. The bests get cut, damaged and every dirty person in the world touches/sits on them. On top of that what if the bus were to happen to have a fire and you have a bunch of young panicked children who need help getting the seat belts off.

  4. To Anon. 8:23
    Maybe the schools, instead of teaching the children songs of praise about Obama, could teach them how to operate a seat belt.


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