Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rell Announces Statewide Day of Mourning

From the Governor's office
Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that Wednesday, February 10, will be observed as a statewide Day of Mourning for the five people killed in Sunday’s explosion at the Kleen Energy power plant in Middletown.

Governor Rell ordered Connecticut state flags to be flown at half-staff from sunup to sundown and asked residents to observe a moment of silence at 11 a.m., the approximate time of the explosion that devastated the nearly completed power plant under construction on River Road. Twelve people were injured.

Connecticut’s people always come together in the face of a tragedy,” Governor Rell said. “On Wednesday let us remember the lives that were lost in this disaster and the grief of the families the workers left behind. May our thoughts and prayers offer some measure of consolation in a time of loss and infinite heartache.”

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