Thursday, February 25, 2010

Erlacher Reports Collections on Schedule

At a meeting of the Finance and Governance Committee on Wednesday evening, Carl Erlacher, Middletown's Finance Director, reported that collections of city fees and taxes are on schedule when compared to last year, with 94.3% collected in 2010 as compared with 94.4% collected in 2009.

Much of the discussion at the meeting centered on a purchase of vehicle repair software which is itemized in the Police Department budget.  Acting Chief Patrick McMahon argued that the expenditure belongs in the IT budget since it is software that serves the entire city.  He said that if the $2500 purchase were not approved by the Common Council, he would likely not make the purchase because it would jeopardize other items in a budget which he describes as underfunded.

McMahon is also asking the Common Council for $150,000 in overtime funds to deal with costs for funding coverage due to early retirements.


  1. does the collection of all the delinquent water and sewer bills factor into this? if it does it seems surprising that this year compared to last year are equal, since the collection efforts were stepped up. could you explain this? thanks

  2. No it does not! Erlacher only reported on General fund taxes.


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