Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Public Nightclub and Other Planning Documents Available

The city Planning Department has made the public documents for this week's Planning and Zoning Commission, and Citizens Advisory Commission meetings conveniently available for viewing.

These include the material for the application to expand the Public nightclub, a suggested ordinance regarding sexually oriented business, and the city's consolidated plan (a plan written as part of the Community Development Block Grant process).

Michiel Wackers provided the following:
Planning & Zoning Commission
Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 7:00PM, Council Chambers

Citizens' Advisory Committee
Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 5:00PM, Room B-20


  1. I took my wife to Fishbone one night for dinner and some great jazz music and were accosted on the way out by people from the strip club next door. It's disgusting Middletown, which is trying to build itself as the go to destination for food and nightlife, continues to allow places that scare people away. We will no longer go near Court Street at night. Why don't they just ban such establishments in certain areas, allowing them in specified zones, like other towns do?

  2. Because the strip club was there first. Back when no one wanted to be in Middletown it was probably viewed as a viable alternative to an empty space.

    The real answer to your question is however: Because that's a slippery slope. Who gets to decide what goes where? A lot of M.Eye readers would probably argue that Public should be put someplace else, but others would disagree.

    Valentino's aint pretty, but it's also not a real threat. Were you hurt? Or did you just meet some unsavory drunks? Because that could happen anywhere. Some of my friends and I were recently accosted by people leaving Nikita's and called "faggots" because we didn't overuse hair gel and lift enough weights (what irony that it was coming from a group of young men in the throws of homo-erotic bonding), but I don't think it was Nikita's fault, those guys were just morons (without even the talent to make "Jersey Shore").

  3. HAPPY IN MIDDLETOWN SAID. .......I have walked on Court St.alone at night, throughout the seasons and have never felt threatened, or had any comments made to me, even before Fishbone opened. Same goes for all of Main St. More often than not it is a weeknight when I've walked on Court St, maybe weekends brings a different crowd of patrons.I've spend plenty of time on Main St on the Weekend as well, and never had a problem.

    I am not suggesting that I believe those streets to be safe. No street is 100% safe for anyone, and as a woman I'm well aware that I cannot take my safety for granted. I am careful and watchful. That said I feel as safe in downtown Middletown as I do in most places at night. Main St is well lit, there is lots of motor and pedestrian traffic until 11 or 12:00 at night. I have no problem walking the full length of Main St. but do so with purpose and a head that is clear of drugs and drink.


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