Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Quentin Phipps Proposed as Replacement for Fortuna on Planning and Zoning Commission

Democrat Quentin Phipps has resigned his position as alternate on the Planning and Zoning Commission to prepare for his likely assignment as a regular member to replace James Fortuna who died last month unexpectedly. Quipp's resignation was received Wednesday by the Town Clerk, though it was mailed before the Christmas holiday. His name is the only name on the Common Council agenda for replacement of Fortuna.

"It's unfortunate it had to happen this way," Phipps said. "Jim was always great to me. And I think he'd approve of me replacing him."

Phipps was forced to issue his resignation as an alternate, before his appointment as a regular so as not to delay the appointment.

"I'm very excited about this opportunity," Phipps said. "I think I can bring some compromise to the leadership problems the commission has been experiencing, and I look forward to being able to vote on every issue, and to be able to comment on issues without constraint."

The mayor has informed the Common Council that they are obliged to appoint a replacement for Phipps as an alternate within 30 days.

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