Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Substance Abuse Action Council Hosts Youth Seminar

From the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce

The Middlesex County Substance Abuse Action Council (MCSAAC) held its tenth annual Youth Conference on November 18, 2009 at Middlesex Community College in Middletown. A crowd of 150 student leaders and their advisors from across the county attended leadership workshops that focused on preventing substance abuse and risky behaviors. High school students learned about heroin and prescription drug abuse, internet safety, getting involved with MADD, and media literacy and advocacy. Adult advisors participated in a special session on mental illness and drug abuse.

Presenters included Detective Brian Hubbs from the Middletown Police Department Street Crimes Unit, Sergeant James Smith from the Connecticut State Police Forensic Laboratory, Catherine LeVasseur from the Governor’s Prevention Partnership, Lauren Iannucci from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and Dr. Stephen Wyatt from Middlesex Hospital Behavioral Health. Presenters donated their services and the Middlesex County Community College donated facilities.

Participants enjoyed a special performance by the improbable PLAYERS, a professional acting troupe based in Boston, which consists solely of actors in recovery. The young, former drug abusers and alcoholics delivered riveting and authentic stories and answered audience questions immediately after the performance.

Anyone interested in becoming involved with MCSAAC is welcome to contact the Middlesex County Substance Abuse Action Council at (860) 347-5959 or to visit info@mcsaac.org.

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