Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kleckowski Responds to Dan Russo

Commentary, by Deborah Kleckowski
Dan Russo shame on you! It is reprehensible that you have the audacity to spew lies and mischaracterizations, I can assure you, and the residents of Middletown, I did not have a ”worse attendance record than Barbara Plum” as you incorrectly stated. I regularly attended meetings and sub-committee meetings. I demand that you retract this false statement. The fact is the Republicans asked me to seek the Chairmanship, (crossing party lines), I was reluctant however, and I chose principle over party.

You have made several incorrect statements: your statement about my attendance being “worse than that of Barbara Plum”, your nearly fierce declaration to the P&Z that Alternates do not have the right to vote for leadership when you came before the commission expressing your point of view, not as a citizen, but as an attorney, and, you were wrong. Let’s continue, your accusation that the changes made to the Plan of Conservation and Development were somehow done improperly, wrong again Dan. The entire commission voted on how to proceed. And, further, as has been confirmed, all meetings were legal and posted correctly. Does your statement, “I will never accept the changes to the Plan of Conservation and Development” still hold true?

Prior to this election the P&Z Commission worked together to create a POCD and to revise/update By-Laws; a review that had not been done in over 6 years, together as an elected body. Why are you so determined to undermine the work of the past commission? Do you have an aversion to seeking public comment to create an important document such as the POCD?

As to the matter of your alleged support for you to be Chairman, I am curious; why is it important to describe your supporters as “several members of the bar”? Are you inferring that only attorney’s are capable of serving as Chair (or as a Commissioner) opposed to the “regular folk”? Do attorneys have some special designation of which I or others am not aware?

The only one making the election of a chairman political is you. Tell us Dan, the “general folk “of Middletown, what is your criteria to be able to serve; must a candidate be an attorney, be childless (remember your call to ask for me to resign because I had "mother" responsibilities"), lack respect for current commissioners or others interested in seeking office (you ran against two exceptional candidates from your own party for one open seat), transparency (where is my letter of intent to run for P&Z-you never responded?), attendance, truth in presentation of facts (Alternates can vote for leadership, all meetings for the POCD were properly noticed, FOI requirements were followed). Your statements are reprehensible, irresponsible and slanderous!

Take your own advice-focus on the issues and the business of doing the City's business, better yet, put politics aside, put your ego aside, and step aside-resign from the Commission!

Deborah Kleckowski
Former P& Z Commissioner


  1. Debbie,

    Thanks for setting the record straight. I was believing his comments until I read yours.
    He wanted you you to resign because you have children. That is despicable. Why didn't you file charges. You should follow up on this.I'm sure every parent and working moms in Middletown would like to know about this and I'm sure they will back you 100%. As far as I am concerned, I will be spreading the news about this.
    I hope many people read the rebuttal by Debbie and that the Press picks up on this. Many people would like to know who they voted for.

    Dan Russo should resign as commissioner of P&Z. It looks like he is going to create turmoil at P&Z meetings. One of the other Dem commissioners that ran should take his place. How does the rest of you democrat commissioners feel. It seems to me that you just pushed all of them to the side. They must feel awful.I feel sorry for them.
    Dan, why did you run against 2 members of your own party. Are you better them them or is there another reason. Is it POWER!!!
    Well I guess the truth is coming out.
    You should apologize.
    All the voters in Middletown should not forget this.


    Dan Russo should be ashamed! He definitely should step down.

    You have all my support!

  3. A Republican Mayor. A Democratic Council. A P & Z Board that's at each other's throats before the first meeting. The only winner in this mess is The Middletown Eye! Surely enough fodder to keep it busy for the next two years!

  4. Community
    How is it that small minded males think they can just "make up" facts about strong minded women? Think about the beatings that females who are elected or in positions of rank take over and over again in our City. I'm not sure whether or not Mr. Russo has let politics go to his head but he should be ashamed of himself, along with many others for their blantant attacks on women. Are they truly afraid that the glass ceiling will someday break? Are they truly afraid that women who use their minds will somehow take over the world? Debbie stood up for herself and was shunned by a political power. What boggles the mind is that it was a democratic power which by fundamental standard is representative of all the people, regardless of socio-economic, race or standings. That is except here in Middletown. Not only did she make the right choice by switching parties but putting herself on the Common Council. I can't wait to watch her take on the egos which prevail in that venue. Debbie please keep on fighting for what is right; what you believe in and take pride in what you say. Be a mom; a professional working woman and an advocate for our City and DON'T ever let them or anyone else tell you that you can't do the job. Dan Russo - you are NOT a democrat by defination and you should be ashamed of yourself for making false accusations.

  5. Dan Russo strikes again in the women bashing department. Today at approximately 1:45 P.M., Mr. Russo marched into city hall and fired Democrat Assistant of Voters Maria Zimmitti for no valid reason. She was told her services will no longer be needed and had until January 2, 2010 to vacate her office. Mmmm, I wonder if Mr. Russo plans to assign the post to his wife or perhaps himself. It is a paying position after all.

  6. I can't believe Middletown elected Dan Russo to any office. Once again he reminds us that he does not put Middletown first.


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