Sunday, October 18, 2009

From 1909: Committee Confers with Taft's Secretary

This was published in the Hartford Courant exactly 100 years ago today, on October 18, 1909
Isaac Spear and Walter B. Reed, representing the committee on arrangements for Wesleyan-Taft day, returned from Washington Saturday evening, where they went to confer with Fred W. Carpenter, secretary to the President, to ascertain details about the President's visit. As a result it can be stated that the celebration will be on a much larger scale than was anticipated. Mr. Spear went to Hartford last Thursday and secured from Senator Bulkeley a letter of introduction which enabled himself and Mr. Reed to gain an audience with Mr. Carpenter. He went to New Haven and took an express for Washington, arriving there Thursday evening. Mr. Reed left Middletown Thursday at midnight and met Mr. Spear Friday morning in Washington. They went to the White House at 9 o'clock and had an hour's talk with Mr. Carpenter. They gave him a full account of the plans and the entire arrangements met with his approval. The time of the President's arrival and departure was verified by him. He will arrive at 9 a.m. and will remain in Middletown until 5:34. More of a parade will be given that was first planned, and further plans for the day will be made.

Mr. Spear and Mr. Reed left Washington at 7:30 a.m. Saturday and arrived here at 6:19 that evening, both tired with their two days' travel, but more confident than ever of the success of the celebration. President Spear has called a meeting of the general committee Monday evening and on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock this committee will meet with all the sub-committees in the city courtroom.
William Howard Taft would come to Middletown on November 6, for the inauguration of a new Wesleyan president, William Arnold Shanklin. Watch these pages for more on the visit.

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