Saturday, October 24, 2009

Candidate Profile: Common Council - Gerry Daley

All Middletown municipal government candidates have been invited to complete a questionnaire about their candidacy. This is the first in a series of profiles based on submitted questionnaires. Profiles will be published in the order they are received from candidates.

Gerry Daley (D)

Incumbent candidate for Common Council


Lifelong Middletown resident.

Graduate of St. John School and Xavier High School.

Married, four adult children and two step sons.

Member of B.P.O.Elks #771, Ancient Order of Hibernians, St. Kazimierz Society, and Irish American Home Society. Past member of St. Pius X parish council.

Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Fairfield University. Graduate business courses at UCONN.

Former Administrative Assistant to Mayor Anthony S. Marino, former Vice President of Human Resources for Contel IPC, Inc., currently Human Resources Administrator for State of Connecticut Department of Developmental Services (employed with DDS for the past fifteen years).


16 years as member of Middletown Common Council and Chair of Economic Development Commission.

16 years as member of the Board of Eastern Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority

Past Chair of Finance Commission and Redevelopment Authority

Current member of Finance & Government Operations Commission

Past member of Personnel Commission, Insurance & Claims Commission, Ordinance Study Commission, Water Pollution Control Authority

Qualifications for position

Four years of experience as Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, combined with sixteen years as member of Common Council gives me a comprehensive understanding of City operations, policies, procedures, and most important – the City budget and finances.

Sixteen years as Chair of Economic Development Commission demonstrates effectiveness in that area – revitalization of Main Street, preservation of former State Armory as the Inn at Middletown, development of industrial areas, rehabilitation of Remington Rand property, etc. Fostered significant growth in industrial / commercial tax base and generated hundreds of new jobs.

Thirty years of professional experience in Human Resources and Labor Relations provides a thorough understanding of City personnel issues.

Lifetime Middletown residency, raising four children here, and involvement in community activities and organizations provides a good appreciation of the community’s assets, challenges, interests, and needs.

Reasons for running

I am proud of Middletown and care deeply about our future.

I feel we have had significant successes and some disappointments during my sixteen years on the Common Council and I want to build on the successes and demonstrate that I have learned from the disappointments.

I think I have knowledge, experience, and skills that allow me to make a strong contribution to the City.

I enjoy helping people and addressing their concerns about City government.


Through work on the Economic Development Commission, I’d like to achieve: An annual average growth in the Grand List of non residential property of at least 2% over the next two years after factoring out revaluation and generate at least 200 new jobs per year.

Through work on the Finance & Government Operations Commission, I’d like to achieve: Keep growth in City operating expenses below the annual increase in Consumer Price Index (CPI-U).

1 comment:

  1. Daley is one of the few that truly understands government. He would be a good Mayor.


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