Saturday, October 17, 2009

Around Middletown in 80 Days: Day 54

Middletown as Melilli, Sicily sister city

In 1931, Middletown’s Italian community, donated the money to build a replica of Melilli’s Church of St. Sebastian.

Liz Warner wrote in the book, A Pictorial History of Middletown, “ Local Italian carpenters, stone masons, bricklayers and laborers donated their time to its construction. The church is of Italian Renaissance design, and built of grey Weymouth granite topped by a tile roof. The interior features Carrara marble in the sanctuary, used for the altar, flooring, pulpit, and railing. The murals on the ceiling, depicting the Apostles and St. Sebastian, emphasize the height and grandeur of the church.” Michael Cubeta, as a Middletown Councilman, sponsored a resolution to designate Mellili as Middletown's sister city and as mayor, Michael Cubeta lead a delegation to Sicily to our sister city.

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