Thursday, September 17, 2009

Johnny Peut Pas Danser - The Cure

Always envious of those who could two-step and waltz to Cajun and Zydeco music?

Well, now's your chance to erase that envy. The Cajuns sing a song "Johnny Peut Pas Danser (Johnny, Can't Dance)" but if Johnny went to the dance workshop Friday, 4:30 at the Theater Studios in Fayerweather Hall on the Wesleyan campus, they just might have to write another version of that song.

From Emily Troll

Our first event this year is a dance party with Balfa Toujours, an awesome Cajun band, check out their website or find them on youtube. The Center for the Arts is sponsoring a concert at Crowell, followed by our dance party in Beckham Hall. Get your tickets for the concert at The dance part is FREE!

There's also a free dance workshop with Matt Greene from New York. Come learn an easy two-step and waltz Cajun style. Not a pre-requisite for the dance party - just some extra info for the curious. Cajun music is fun to dance to any way you like.

This Friday, September 18th!
Dance workshop 4:30, Theater Studios in Fayerweather Hall (below Beckham)
Concert 8:00, Crowell Concert Hall

Dance 10:30, Beckham Hall

Balfa Toujours is a big deal and a lot of fun- and we are so lucky to have them coming! Please spread the word, bring friends, and get your tickets soon for the concert part.

Upcoming contra dances: save these dates!
October 2nd, November 13th, and December 11th. More info coming.

Folk jamming will start up in a few weeks, meeting on Friday afternoons. Stay tuned for more info on that.

Hope to see you on the dance floor!

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