Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Middletown Police Launch Community Information Site

From the Middletown Police Department

The City of Middletown Police Department is proud to launch a new Community Information Service designed to deliver important and timely information to residents in our area using the latest technology.

This service, created by Nixle, LLC delivers trustworthy and important neighborhood-level public safety and community event notifications by web, e-mail, and cell phone.

Residents of Middletown can now take advantage of Nixle, which is a community information service that alerts the public of safety threats and community events via web, e-mail, and cell phone. Nixle’s service connects municipal agencies and community organizations to residents in real time, delivering information to geographically targeted consumers over their cell phones (via text messages), through e-mails and through Web access. Nixle is offered at no cost to all governments, their agencies and organizations, nongovernmental organizations and consumers, although standard text messaging rates apply. Sign up at to register

For now, Middletown residents will be able to receive police-related information and municipal government information via Nixle. Channels providing other kinds of information are expected to be introduced in the future.

Craig Mitnick, the founder and CEO of Nixle, said Nixle differs from current services such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, which provide unauthenticated platforms for connections. Nixle solves that problem by providing a single standardized service for consumers to receive immediate and credible neighborhood-level public safety and community information.

“Nixle is a first-of-its-kind tool for communities that need to provide critical information to their residents,” said Craig Mitnick, founder and CEO. “When it comes to public safety information, you have to trust the source. Residents of Middletown can rest easy that the local messages they receive are authentic.”

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