Friday, July 24, 2009

Graffiti Removal 101

If you've ever tried to remove graffiti from your property, you know it can be a tricky business. Brick, paint, metal - there are lots of questions to answer before you can find the right way to remove it without damaging the surface underneath.

There will be a seminar on graffiti removal techniques on Wednesday, August 5th from 9:30 to noon on the first floor of Main Street Market, 386 Main.

The session is open to everyone, free of charge. Presenters will include experienced folks from the Middletown Housing Authority, the City of Bridgeport, and Rust-oleum & Zinsser. Thanks to the Downtown Business District, National Paint & the Rust-oleum company for sponsoring this workshop!

If you'd like to register, contact Downtown Manager Marie Kalita-Leary at (860) 347-1424 or


  1. What a great offering.

    I removed some graffiti just today from in front of my North End business.

  2. Graffiti - vandalism or art? The answer may seem obvious if your property is targeted, but the fact there are entire subcultures surrounding graffiti deems this a question that should not be so quickly dismissed. Even if you think it's vandalism, you cannot argue with the fact that it is a creative outlet for the artists. At worst graffiti is a symptom of greater societal problems. It is worth debating a little more deeply. Just a few of the many many articles found by searching for "graffiti - art or vandalism",21428,c_graffiti,00.shtml

  3. Actually, I can and do argue that the graffiti in town is not a creative outlet for the artists. You can romanticize the problem all that you want, and there are certainly examples of graffiti that is art, but 99.9% of what you see around Middletown is nothing more than a desire to destroy other's property and claim dominion over a space. It may express something, but it is not art and it is not creative. Spray painting swear words, in poor penmanship no less, does not require any level of creativity or artistic expression, unless the "artist" is under the age of 8.

  4. you are both right, im a graffiti artist from philly name is cease, but yeah it is def. art where i come from and the stuff i do is art, but what was said is right.. a bunch of teens out in the suburbs like that just scribbling on walls isn't art at all, its down-grading and pretty embarrassing too, wanna-be idiots


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