Friday, June 19, 2009

Shouting in the Library

There's rarely the opportunity to shout, holler, clap and dance at the Russell Library, but last night was one such occasion when Rani Arbo and daisy mayhem stopped in for their annual visit.

The pouring rain kept the music out of the courtyard, and the packed Hubbard Room was a bit steamy by the end of the show.

Rani and the gang tried out songs for their forthcoming "kids album" (which became a running joke between Arbo, and her guitarist Anand Nyack), on a pack of neighborhood rugrats who crowded the stage, and were happy to oblige a demonstration of the Tennessee Wig Walk.

The band sounded terrific on everything from a appropriately funky version of the Funky Meters' They All Asked For You, and a moving rendition of the Civil War-era classic When Johnny Comes Marching Home.

The concert ended with a standing ovation, and lots of stomping and shouting from an appreciative audience, without a single "shush" from the librarians in attendance.

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