Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Plan of Conservation and Development Meeting Tuesday

Tuesday June 30, 6:30 to 8 pm Hubbard Room, Russell Library.
A survey will be taken about what people value

You are invited to the 4th PUBLIC INPUT SESSION for the city Plan of
Conservation & Development. The primary focus of this LAST session will be
to determine what qualities people value and want to see realized in our
city in terms of development and land preservation.

On Tuesday, a survey will be taken asking you about your opinion on
development, land conservation and transportation. Your answers will
provide guidance and inform land use decisions, both in policy and
practice, for years to come. Because we rarely get together as a city to
chat about The Big Picture, this survey is one of the few ways to see how
people feel about what’s going on and where we should go.

We realize many of these topics might be things you do not think about
every day nor possibly have ever thought about, but we hope that won’t keep
you from participating. We want the opinions of people who live here and
know how things work. The more voices that contribute, the most inclusive
the Plan can be, instead of the work of only a handful of people.

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