Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nelly (Bruce) in New York

Wesleyan Professor Neely Bruce is a passionate composer, performer and conductor. An article published in today's New York Times (June 23) documents the Father's Day concert in New York City's Guggenheim Museum of Henry Brant's "Orbits", a "spatial work" composed for 80 trombones, organ and soprano.

Brant (1913-2008, pictured) is a person and composer that Professor Bruce will talk about at the drop of a hat. From Bruce's bio on his website:

"...he (Bruce) obtained for Brant a commission from Wesleyan University in honor of the school’s sesquicentennial, and was the coordinator of two major works commissioned by Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors; "500: Hidden Hemisphere", and "Dormant Craters". In March of 2003 Bruce conducted the American premiere of Brant’s "Ghosts and Gargoyles", played by members of the New York Flute Club, with soloist Robert Aitkin."

Read Anthony Tomassini's review of Sunday's concert by clicking here.

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