Saturday, June 13, 2009

Man arrested on Home Invasion Charge

From the Middletown Police Department

The Middletown Police Department’s Detective Division made an arrest of a suspect, Norman Bond for a past Home Invasion.

Police responded to a reported home invasion on October , 2008, to a residence on Pearl Pllace. During the incident, the suspect entered the occupied dwelling of two Wesleyan students and attempted to steal items from the home. Entry was made through a second floor window and as he was attempting to flee, the suspect was encountered by a resident of the dwelling. During the confrontation, the suspect threatened to shoot the victim and then pulled out a knife. The suspect made his way out of the residence and fled. Patrol officers were not able to locate the suspect after a K-9 track. No injuries were sustained by the victim.

The Middletown Police Detective Division began an investigation and a suspect, Bond, was later identified. An arrest warrant was applied for and issued for Bond.

On May 28, 2009, while Bond was at court on unrelated crimes, Middletown Police arrested Bond on the above arrest warrant and processed him on the charges of Home Invasion and Threatening 2nd degree. He is currently being held in lieu of $105,500 bond for this incident and others including Criminal Impersonation, Larceny 6th and Credit Card Fraud.

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