Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CFA Summer Shows

Wesleyan University’s Center for the Arts (CFA) announces its 2009 Summer Series, which features dance, music and theater as well as free lunchtime talks and performances. The series kicks off on Thursday, July 2 with a free concert by world music ensemble Nation Beat (pictured.)

Nation Beat
Thursday, July 2, 7pm
Free admission/CFA Green
Nation Beat is a six member New York based band that combines rural music from northeastern Brazil and the American South. Nation Beat's latest recording Legends of the Preacher is a fusion of thunderous Brazilian maracatu drumming, New Orleans second line rhythms, Appalachian-inspired bluegrass music, funk, rock and country-blues. They will surely appeal to any lovers of dance and music.

Doug Varone and Dancers
Thursday & Friday, July 9 & 10, 8pm/CFA Theater
Known for his “kinetically thrilling” dancers, Doug Varone returns to Wesleyan with three works that exemplify the emotionally charged and physically exciting work for which the company is known. Currently in residence at New York’s 92nd Street Y, the company tours nationally and internationally and is highly acclaimed for its technical virtuosity, propulsive movement vocabulary and dramatic lyricism.

Hendrik Meurkens Samba Jazz Quartet
Thursday, July 16, 8pm/Crowell Concert Hall
From tranquil bossa nova treatments to burning New York samba jazz versions by the way of authentic chorinhos and in-the-pocket sambafunk, Hendrik Meurkens Samba Jazz Quartet explores the wide terrain of Brazilian jazz. The group explores the great Brazilian songbook from a jazz point of view and also features compositions by Hendrik Meurkens.

Eilen Jewell and The Sacred Shakers
Saturday, July 18, 8pm/Crowell Concert Hall
Boise-born and Boston-based, Eilen Jewell has quickly distinguished herself as one of the rising stars of a new generation of roots musicians. Jewell and her band form the heart of the American gospel supergroup The Sacred Shakers, who will open the concert. This group offers new life to the gospel genre by revisiting the stripped down country and bluesy gospel material that has inspired them.

Chicago City Limits: Wikiphobia
Thursday, July 23, 8pm/CFA Theater
Chicago City Limits, New York City's legendary improv comedy group, has thrilled audiences of all ages for nearly thirty years with its unique style of improv comedy. In Wikiphobia, the cast of Chicago City Limits surfs the web at high-speed, taking issue with the issues and finding comedic links between the biggest stories in the news and actual news.

For more information and tickets call 860-685-3355 or visit www.wesleyan.edu/cfa.

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