Wednesday, May 20, 2009

P&Z Public Input

Middletown Plan of Conservation & Development

Until the end of June, the Middletown Planning & Zoning Commission will host a series of public forums to share ideas about Middletown’s future land use and conservation, all at Russell Library.

The THIRD of 4 public input sessions will be held:

May 21, 6:30-8 pm
Hubbard Room, Russell Library.

The special focus of the May 21 session will be on making Middletown a more transit-friendly, bike-friendly town.

After a brief presentation about Where people are most mobile: stories from other (snowy) countries and existing transit and current proposals for future projects, discussion will take
place about:
  • Would we benefit as a city by offering more transportation choice?
  • How can we connect more people to the bus and bike in Middletown?
  • Where do we need to make better pedestrian connections first?

Following this discussion, there will be an “Open Mike” session for any comments about any other aspects relating to the Plan of Conservation & Development.


The last Public Input Sessions will be held June 17, 2009 at 6:30 to 8 pm also at the Russell Library.

Questions? Contact P&Z Commissioner Catherine Johnson at telephone 343-1611.

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