Thursday, May 14, 2009

How they voted

Here is how Middletown's delegation to the State Capitol voted on a couple of recent bills:

Death Penalty

The Legislature voted to ban the death penalty in Connecticut, House Bill 6578 (Courant story, CT General Assembly information), by a vote of 90 to 56. A yes vote bans the death penalty.
  • James O'Rourke (D, 32nd district): Yes
  • Joseph Serra (D, 33rd district): No
  • Gail Hamm (D, 34th district): Yes
  • Matt Lesser (D, 100th district): Yes
Employment decisions and credit reports
The Legislature voted to require employers to prove that credit checks are necessary for hiring before they can use them as a basis for employment (CGA information). This bill was written by Matt Lesser, and passed by a vote of 109 to 34.
  • James O'Rourke (D, 32nd district): Yes
  • Joseph Serra (D, 33rd district): Absent
  • Gail Hamm (D, 34th district): Yes
  • Matt Lesser (D, 100th district): Yes

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