Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Democratic Mayoral Candidate Dan Drew Reacts To Budget Veto

Press release from Dan Drew, Democratic Mayoral Candidate

1 comment:

  1. Typical spin. The issue with the budget is honesty. Last year the Democrates put the sale of teh Remington Rand property into the revenue side of the budget. The sale never happened. To make up the differeernce the money came out of teh undesignated fund balance.

    It is very nice to have all kinds of programs that are great for people in the budget. These have been added year after year in years past. Sometime we need to get back to basics and give taxpayers a break.

    I remeber when the previous democrat mayor gave the Board of Ed a million dollars. No accounatblity. Give them money and let theme puff up the most expensive education in teh world. But wait.,,,it was really a pay raise for teh teachers.

    Ah! the teachers. What did they give back this year? Nothing! They got a pay raise! The other unions in the city gacve concessions but teh democrat controlled council rejected these because they want to buy union votes.

    The whole thing is redicluous. It is too bad we didn't get a consitutioanl convention in the last election (the teacher unions funded the defeat) then we coudl have referemdunms like Californis and make some real changes in this state. Connecticut is doomed to high taxes and a declining standard of living.

    At least the mayor is being honest. Is the city council honest?


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