Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Burglary Suspect Arrested

At approximately 12:30 AM, Wednesday morning Middletown police arrested Jeffrey Gramfield, 38, of 219 Crown Street, Meriden for attempted burglary, possession of burglary tools and possession of drug paraphernalia.

According to Deputy Chief Patrick McMahon, Gramfield was arrested in the block of Pearl Street between Liberty and Grand.

Police have been on heightened alert after a number of burglaries and break-ins in neighborhoods surrounding Wesleyan University. Yesterday police officers and a tracking dog were seen in the area of Home Avenue after a number of break-ins and attempted break-ins were reported there yesterday.

This is the report of one Home Avenue resident:

A man just walked across our lawn at 34 Home Ave, and students came
over immediately to tell me he fit the description of somebody
suspected to be breaking in to houses lately. Public Safety and MPD
came over and confirmed that 9 or 10 houses have been burgled in the
last 24 hours in the area immediately near campus. So: Lock doors,
windows, and stay alert to this.

Description: 40-something-ish dark complected Black male, 6 feet
tall or so, with braids or dreads under a do-rag (today) and wearing
a grey shirt (today).

There is also notice of the police work on Wesleying.

McMahon attributed the arrest to a call from an alert resident. McMahon encourages Middletown residents to report suspicious activity by calling the Police Department at 344-3200.

Gramfield was arraigned and is being held on $5000 bond.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this helpful report. If there is evidence that this is the same person that is responsible for the repeated break-ins, I wish the bond would be set higher than $5000.


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