Friday, March 20, 2009

Klattenberg Drops Out of Mayoral Race


Common Council member and mayoral candidate Ron Klattenberg, announced in a letter today that he is dropping out of the race for mayor due to medical reasons. Here's his letter of withdrawal:

Dear Friends, Supporters and Colleagues

Over the past two months, I have been faced with a medical issue related to my Type I diabetes. I have had diabetes for 30 years. In general, the management of my disease has been well controlled with exercise and good eating habits. Now, the added stresses involved with the campaign have been taking a serious toll on my ability to properly manage this disease. After discussing my situation with my doctor and family it is now necessary that I withdraw from the race for mayor. While I have great regrets making this decision, it is the right decision for me. This decision does not change my hope to continue to serve the Democrat Party and Common Council to the best of my ability, now, and in the future. I will also give my full support to a new Democratic candidate for mayor.

I thank my wife, Marcy, for her support and willingness to give me a chance to run. I am especially indebted to Lisa Santangelo, Chuck Bates and Dennis Fennessey for their tremendous support and commitment to my campaign. I also thank our Town Committee Chairman Dan Russo, my son Michael, Dan Drew, Bruce Dodson, Peter Patton, Michael Ennis, Representative Matt Lesser and former Mayor's Domenique Thornton, Maria Holzberg and Tom Serra for their advice, support and counsel. I know many will be disappointed by my decision and I share their disappointment but everyone must understand it is imperative for my long term health that this decision be made now before the disease leads to complications. I hope this decision also serves as a message to others facing similar medical conditions that they take their conditions seriously and manage their lives in a way to reduce stress and health risks.

I know there are other strong leaders in the Democratic Party who are fully capable to lead our city. Middletown needs change, innovation and open government and this must continue to be our top priorities in 2009. What is most important, now, is that we work together. I ask that we quickly select a new candidate and begin to move forward to ensure victory for the Democratic Party and all Democrat candidates in November.

Ron Klattenberg
March 19, 2009


  1. We are sorry to hear that Ron will be dropping out of the mayoral race, but can understand the need to take care of himself. He is a highly-qualified candidate with Middletown's best interests at heart.

  2. Ron,

    I'm sure this hasn't been an easy decision, but I wanted to thank you for setting a high standard for work/life balance. You make so many valuable contributions to our city, I'm glad you will still be part of the council!

    -Jen Alexander

  3. Ron,

    We are so sorry to learn that you are faced with a medical challenge. Tom and I wish you the very best and good health. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Deborah Kleckowski

  4. Good luck, Ron. You have been a tireless public servant and I am glad that you plan to remain involved. Middletown is a better place, because of you!

  5. Ron,

    We are sure you would have made a great Mayor. At least you can continue to contribute to the City. Your knowledge and intelligence are really needed.

    Sheila and Len Stoane

  6. Ron, We are very sorry that you will not be running for mayor but are glad that you will continue to be involved in city government. We admire you for your decision and wish you all the best.

    Karen and Paul Torop


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