Saturday, February 7, 2009

Forum on Voter Day Registration Wednesday

From Saul Micah Carlin:

Every election, hundreds of thousands of potential first-time voters are systematically disenfranchised by confusing and onerous voter registration deadlines and absentee rules.

But an ever-increasing number of states has addressed this tragedy of democracy by enacting Election Day Voter Registration (EDR). With EDR, anyone who is legally eligible can show up and vote on election day regardless of their registration status.

Join State Representative James Spallone (D-Essex), co-chair of the Government Administration and Elections Committee, and other elected officials, community leaders, student organizers, and good-government advocates in taking a stand on this crucial issue.

Hosted by Wesleyan Democracy Matters and Connecticut Common Cause.

What: Forum on Election Day Voter Registration
When: Wednesday, February 11, 7:15pm
Where: Wesleyan University - Woodhead Lounge in the Exley Science Center
265 Church St, Middletown, CT

1 comment:

  1. How is the present system "confusing and onerous"? The rules for registration and voting are perfectly plain to anyone with modest fluency in the English language or, the Spanish language for that matter, as we have gone that route as well. Oh, did I mention, you can call the Registrar of Voters at City Hall or you can go the extra mile and stop in at City Hall. They will fill you in as to what you need to do in order to vote. The main thing is, be prepared to prove that you are eligible to vote; that's what pre-registration is all about. Don't expect to waltz into the polling place on Election Day planning to vote without having previously established your eligibilty.


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