Monday, February 9, 2009

EDC Approves Remington Rand Clean Up

The city of Middletown stands to lose up to $100,000 in a reduction of sale price for the Remington Rand property to TWB Properties if clean-up is not conducted.

John Moore, property manager for the city at the Remington Rand, showed photographs of "15,000 square feet of junk," left behind on the second floor of the building by now-defunct Buddy's Moving and Storage. The tangle of old furniture, personal belongings and used clothing is what's left of city-directed evictions.

Moore proposed a scenario which would cost $15,000-$20,000 to clean up the space. The Economic Development Committee, in a bid to save the majority of the $100,000 reduction in the sale price, approved a measure to request a bid waiver to allow the clean-up to proceed.

In other business, the EDC voted to write a letter of support for Georgine Sherman's plans to move the paddle-boat Becky Thatcher from Ohio to Middletown.

The EDC decided not to take up further discussion of prioritization of shovel-ready projects when the list of eight designated projects could not be procured until after adjournment, when a member of the public, Trevor Davis, found it in a January Middletown Eye story on his iPhone.

The remainder of discussion of old business was postponed until the town planner returned for next month's meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the Eye Guys for your service to the Community.

    When this issue gets to the floor of the Common Council, I intend to find out who, if anyone, feels accountable for the unexpected need to spend $20K. The City has spent a lot of funds in PCD, and contracted with MidField @ about $40K per year to manage the Reminigton Rand facility.

    So who let 15,000 Sq. Ft. of household junk pile up?


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