Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Common Council Approves 466 Contract

In a special session Tuesday night, the Common Council approved a contract with city union, Local 466. The contract originally came before the Council at it's regular meeting early in the month, but consideration of the contract was rejected by all Democratic members, leaving angry union members to applaud Republicans who supported the contract, and to stalk angrily from Council chambers after the vote was taken.

Tonight's meeting was not without vitriol as union members spoke in favor of the contract, explaining sacrifices that union members made to reach a cooperative agreement. Council members spoke unanimously in favor of the contract which offers union members a two and a quarter per cent increase. Democratic members each defended their delay in the vote, and lauded the fairness of the contract. However, at least one Republican member, Phil Pessina, spoke strongly against a comment by Council member James Streeto who "joked" about politicizing the contract talks. Streeto explained to his colleagues that he was attempting to lighten the session with some humor, and apoloigized for making a comment which he noted was misunderstood, but out of line.

The contract was approved unanimously.

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