Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

"All the preparations are complete. Whatever has not been done will have to stay that way. It is time for Christmas to begin."

Those were the opening words at tonight's Christmas Eve pageant at South Church.

"No Room at the Inn" says Jennifer Barbour as Joseph and Mary look for a bed in Bethlehem while Bob Englehardt narrates.

Being one of the "Twinkling Stars" in the pageant is a rite of passage for South Church children.

After the pageant, we went to no-less-than-three local parties, ending at Clover Nook and the annual gathering of local artists and friends who've been sharing holidays for more than two decades in Middletown. Lisa and Kathleen ask only that you bring something delicious to share, and anything chocolate is especially prized. I caught up with old friends around the dessert table while the next generation of Middletown creative types (not yet waist-height) ran through the crowd, stopping only to check the progress of Santa on the kitchen laptop. "He's done the Taj Mahal!" "He's headed to Ireland" "He's in Paraguay!"

If Christmas is your bag, I hope your "preparations are complete" and that you enjoy a peaceful and joyful day with your loved ones!

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