Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Few Spots Left In Oddfellows Acting Classes

Oddfellows Playhouse is registering now for winter performing arts classes, and there are still a few spaces available in Complete Actor classes for ages 6-14. Winter classes begin the week of January 5 and run for 8 weeks, ending with a Share Day on February 28.

“The Complete Actor” is the entry class at the first three age levels in Oddfellows’ program and presents a curriculum of age-appropriate basic acting, voice, and movement training at each level. This assures that every young performer at Oddfellows is being trained in the same set of fundamental skills. Complete Actor One is for ages 6-8; Complete Actor Two for ages 9-11; and Complete Actor Three for ages 12-14. Complete Actor classes meet one day per week and are prerequisite to taking more advanced classes or being in a play.

Preaudition workshops for the Teen Repertory Company (ages 14-18) are January 12-15, and auditions for spring mainstage productions are January 20, 21 or 22.

Tuition for Complete Actor classes ranges from $110 to $120 for 8 sessions. Preaudition workshops are free but tuition for participating in a mainstage productions is $200. Oddfellows’ generous financial aid policy offers assistance with tuition to all who qualify.

Oddfellows Playhouse is located at 128 Washington Street, Middletown. More than just a performing arts program, Oddfellows aims to make a positive difference in the lives of young people by using the arts as tools to build self-confidence, communication skills, a sense of responsibility, and an appreciation for the richness and diversity of the world in which we live. So whether you’re 6 or 18, there’s an open door for you at the Playhouse. For more information or to reserve a spot in a winter class, call (860) 347-6143.

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