Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Circus for a Fragile Planet Returns to Town

One circus is thankfully over and it's already time for another. (This one will be more fun and cause less strain on the blood pressure.)

ARTFARM presents "Circus for a Fragile Planet" this Friday and Saturday (November 7 & 8) at 7 p.m. in the First United Methodist Church, 24 Old Church Street.

The is the new, streamlined, version of the educational "clown" troupe. Artistic Director Dic Wheeler welcomes new member Joel Melendez to work and play alongside Maegan Fuller and Eve Pappalardo (pictured.) Melendez is a veteran performer, one-half of the Connecticut-based duo Matica (along with Heidi Kirchofer) and teaches circus arts at the Children's Circus of Middletown.

Though the troupe is different, the story remains the same. The performers utilize acrobatics, physical comedy, juggling, unicycling and more, not only to entertain but also to remind audiences that we must be careful with our natural resources, be smarter in how we use the earth, and be vigilant in making sure that the situation (global warming, wide-spread destruction of arable land, etc) does not get worse. Sounds like a "heavy"topic; it is, yet the performers handle the story in a light-hearted manner.

For more information and tickets, call 346-4390 or go to

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