Friday, September 12, 2008

Democratic state candidate sponsors voter registration drive

On Saturday, September 13th, the Barack Obama Campaign and Matt Lesser for State Representative Campaign will be joining together for a voter registration drive in Middletown. Both campaigns will be meeting at 12p.m. at 955 S. Main St., Middletown. From there, over 25 volunteers will be heading out into neighborhoods with lower voter registration rates in order to register new voters for the upcoming elections.

Alex Lopez, Campaign Manager for State Representative Candidate Matt Lesser said that all volunteers are welcome, and that volunteers are not limited by age.

"In fact," Lopez emphasized, "There will be high school and college students who aren't eligible to vote, who will be working their tails off to register new voters."

All completed voter registration cards will be delivered to Middletown's registrar of voters on Monday.

What: Voter Registration Drive
Who: The Barack Obama and Matt Lesser Campaigns
When: Saturday, September 13th
What time: 12p.m. - 4 p.m.
Where: Matt Lesser for State Representative Headquarters. 955 S. Main St., Middletown, CT

1 comment:

  1. Where can I get an Obama sign for my lawn?



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