Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fruitery Goes On Vacation

I often think how lucky I am to live in the town where Mary & Ted Xenelis run their Middlesex Fruitery. If you've been there, you know it's not self-serve -- tell them what you'd like to have, and they'll pick it for you. Tell them when you'd like to eat it, and they'll search till they find just the right level of ripeness. It's small town bliss.

On the other hand (since it's not a big, impersonal chain store) it means that Mary & Ted sometimes go on vacation! So if you're planning to stop by the Fruitery, you'd better do it before 5:30 pm today, since they are going on vacation tomorrow. They'll be open for business again on Tuesday, August 26th, at 8:30 am. If you do go today, don't miss the peaches -- it's prime time for peaches.

Have a nice trip, Mary and Ted!

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