Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Playing with fire

Submitted by Melissa Schilke.
Photo credit: Schilke

Teens at Wesleyan Potters are playing with fire. Karma and Maggie Masselli were making bracelets today in the Teen Jewelry class. They and the other teens in the class were hammering, soldering, twisting, and forming wire into a fabulous cuff bracelet. If you see them on the street, ask to see their new jewelry.

Wesleyan Potters at 350 South Main St., Middletown, has openings in other summer youth classes offered in July. Creative Crafts for grades 1 & 2 & 3 meets mornings, July 14-17. Tuition: $44. Mixed Media Sculpture for grades 5-8, meets mornings, July 22, 24, 29 and 31. This class will fulfill requirements for scouting badges but will be enjoyed by both scouts and non-scouts. Tuition: $82. Teen/Beading & Jewelry is offered for grades 6-12, afternoons July 7-10. Tuition: $82 plus a materials fee of $20. www.wesleyanpotters.com for complete listings or call the Wesleyan Potters office for more information or to register, 860-347-5925.

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