Monday, July 28, 2008

And, some men have greatness thrust upon them

For their final night of their performance of the bard's Twelfth Night, ArtFarm was forced indoors by a soaking rain, to Chapman Hall at Middlesex Community College.

Though they lacked the advantage of the beautiful set that was constructed in the grove, non of the magic of this wild and hilarious comedy of mistaken identity were lost in the all-purpose room of the college.

The fluorescent lighting was a little less than dramatic, and the floor, a bit less forgiving than the lawn in the grove, but the acting was superb (see Culturecreature's earlier review), bringing Shakespeare's words to life with wit, grace and style.

Kudos to ArtFarm, to Marcella Trowbridge's inventive direction, and to all the actors, musicians and technicians who made this transporting comedy possible.

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