Monday, June 16, 2008

Looking for correspondents

There's only one way this is going to work.

We need people who are willing to blog about the events they attend. We're not necessarily looking for "reporters" to attend specific meetings, we're just looking for folks like you who are attending anyway and would like to write a few words about what you witness, and how the voting went.

There are a few rules:

No personal attacks.
No anonymous rants.
Facts trump opinion.
No slander, unfounded gossip, innuendo.
No hearsay.

What we are looking for is people who would like to blog in areas like these, and more:

Middletown civic meetings
Middletown politics
Middletown events
Area cultural events
State politics which affect Middletown
Federal politics and policy which affect Middletown
Middletown sports
Middletown business events
Middletown crime
Middletown successes
Think pieces (which are not personal attacks)

(Additions to this list are welcome)

If you decide to write, it would be great to carry your cell phone with camera, or a digital camera along because photos help people pay attention to what you're blogging about.

If you're interested, drop me an email at

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